Kamilla Murphy
Copyright 2015
All Rights Reserved
Chapter 1
“Goodnight, sweetheart,” Elliot said as he reached over to turn off the bedside lamp.
“Going to sleep already?” Amy chided him as he tried to roll over even while her arm was around him.
He settled onto his back, sighed and said, “I know you wore the sexy white nightgown on purpose but Amy, honey, it’s been a long day driving, and I’m dead tired. Tomorrow night?”
“Yes, tomorrow night,” Amy said with her own sigh.
After he rolled onto his side facing away from her, she heard the first of several moans coming from Jen’s and Brad’s bedroom down the hall.
Jen and Amy were friends and work colleagues, and this year they decided to vacation together on Florida’s Gulf Coast, jokingly agreeing that their husbands were invited too. They booked a villa, with its own swimming pool, Jacuzzi hot tub and maid service. The price was steep but the place and its setting looked fantastic.
What wasn’t fantastic to Amy was being horny and having to listen to someone else fucking. She hadn’t known Brad until recently. He seemed like a nice guy, not overly built or athletic, just a normal cute guy with dimples, curly, sandy hair and nice eyes. On the other hand, Jen had met Elliot several times and made no secret that she had a crush on him. Elliot was the quintessential tall, dark and handsome dude, and still had the muscled and toned body from when he quarterbacked his small college football team. Amy considered herself a lucky woman to snag him, although by the sound of things Jen was the one getting lucky tonight.
Besides the obvious benefits of a vacation under Florida sunshine, Amy had a hidden agenda. She hoped the time away from his job would relieve her husband’s obvious stress level and make their nights more romantic than they had been. Unfortunately, he brought the job with him.
The incessant squeak of flexing bedsprings and the rhythmic thwacks of the headboard echoed down the hall from one bedroom to the other. Amy faintly heard Jen’s plea of “Fuck me good! Oh yes, harder, harder!” and her frustration grew to a feverish level. She didn’t consciously realize what she was doing until the silk negligee was up to her neck and its matching thong at her knees. One hand caressed a breast until the nipple ached, while fingers of the other hand vigorously rubbed her clit. The thump-thump-thump of headboard hitting wall joined the sounds from Jen’s mouth again when it dawned on Amy that they’d been going at it for over twenty minutes! Imagining the number of position probabilities during that time fueled her arousal to an unbelievable level. Not wanting to awaken her husband, she stifled what sounds she made, yet by the time she heard Jen squeal she was cumming she had no such qualms. Amy wasn’t as loud as Jen but was still loud enough in her climax. She didn’t know if she wanted him to or not, but in the end Elliot didn’t stir.
Unlike any other time she’d had an explosive orgasm, that night’s sleep wasn’t peaceful, like she still had unfinished business to take care of in the morning. She bet Jen would wake up refreshed and ready for a new day. On the other hand, she’d need coaxing.
Predictably Amy was the first one up the next morning. She didn’t feel much like a coffee so she put on her sky-blue bikini, grabbed a book and went out by the pool to soak up early morning sun and read in peace. She’d already read two chapters before Elliot came outside with his golf bag.
“Isn’t it a bit cool this early in the morning for a bikini?” he asked.
“It’s actually refreshing. It’ll get warmer.” When Amy pulled her eyes away from the book and looked at him, she said, “How can you talk about my bikini when you’re wearing that to play golf?”
“What’s wrong with this?”
“Plenty,” she replied. Elliot wore a ratty pair of puke-green cargo shorts, a stained t-shirt and an old unbuttoned Red Sox uniform jersey over it. The jersey was number 12 and had BELLHORN from shoulder-blade to shoulder-blade. Amy added, “Does anyone even remember Mark Bellhorn now?”
“Hey, he has a ring, doesn’t he?”
Indeed he did. The Sox probably wouldn’t have won it all in 2004 if the second baseman hadn’t had the improbable season he did. However, to her that didn’t excuse her husband of clinging to the past like he often did. She was about to say something more when Brad came outside carrying his own bag of clubs. She chuckled when he said, “You’re wearing that outfit?” while smiling and shaking his head.
Fair-haired Brad looked more like a Florida golfer. He had on a pair of navy Bermuda shorts with a pink-striped polo shirt that looked good on him. She complemented him on his attire before meeting her husband’s smirk with one of her own. As they left she heard Brad say, “I should’ve worn my Yankees hat,” and Amy’s laugh drew a wink from him.
She read a couple more chapters before Jen joined her. Jen’s bikini was a fluorescent lime-green thong with a top made of two very small triangles tied together with string. It was perfect for her tall, lithe, almost boyish figure and long brown hair. It’s true that we always want what we don’t have, Amy thought. Amy was a natural blond; her short bob hairstyle the same color as the nicely trimmed bush that had charmed boys and men from the first time they saw her pussy’s soft golden down. Along with her curves and D-cup breasts men always ogled her. Why she wished she looked like Jen puzzled her.
“Did you see the boys off?” she asked me as she looked out over the pool and sipped from her coffee mug.
“Yep, they left a little while ago. Elliot thought it was too cold to be out here in a bikini so early in the morning. Think about what he would have said if you’d been out here with that stringy thingy on.”
“I could show him how to warm up fast,” she said then laughed.
“I bet you could.” Amy laughed with her.
“You want a coffee? I’ll get you one.”
“No thanks. I had a rough night…not sure if one would upset my stomach.”
Jen smiled, “My night was great. What’s the matter? You’re not coming down with something that would kill the vacation, are you?”
Amy guessed that what was wrong with her was in reverse correlation to Jen’s “great” night—her unrequited arousal. Of course she didn’t tell her that. “I guess I’m still thinking about work and letting Helen get to me. The bitch never wrote a cohesive original thing in her life, but she sure is quick to criticize my reports. I know I shouldn’t let her get to me but it’s difficult.”
“Thankfully I don’t have to work with her much. What gets me about the office is we’re asked to write insightful reports and position papers yet they stick us in cube farms with noise and no privacy. Creative writing should be a solitary endeavor.”
“Sounds like my sex life lately,” Amy said without thinking.
“Really? You get yourself off a lot?”
“No!” Their eyes met. Jen wore one of the sardonic half-smiles of hers that Amy hated so much, mostly because they were usually deserved. Finally she blurted out, “Yes, okay, yes, I do.”
Jen nodded, satisfied somehow in the confession. “I’m always so horny I do myself all the time. Do you have a favorite fantasy… you know… that gets you off?”
Amy hesitated a few seconds, but in the end realized her fantasy was harmless to share. “Remember when I had the gym membership? I sometimes fantasize that I’m working out in a filmy leotard and one of the trainers, a hunk of a man with muscles everywhere wants to give me some special pointers. When I close my eyes I imagine that the gym is empty except for us, he’s wearing only the briefest of briefs and his package is very impressive. My nipples are hard and obvious. The machine I’m on doesn’t really matter in my fantasy. He’s so close, touching me as he guides me through exercises. It’s like e
very nerve ending is on fire. I feel my crotch getting wet and a trickle on my thigh. I’m so wrapped up in how I feel I don’t realize he’s naked until I’m looking at the most beautiful cock in the universe, like a foot long and super hard, and it’s headed between my parted lips. Most times I orgasm before my fantasy ever gets to any conclusion.”
“Wow, Amy, that’s some hot fantasy! I almost want to get myself off now.”
“Don’t go that far, but why don’t we get out of these bikinis. I hate tan lines.”
“Ooooo, so lascivious out here in the open like this! Let’s do it!”
When Jen yanked her top off, Amy saw that her nipples were stiff and sticking out like small steel rods. “I did turn you on, didn’t I?” she told Jen. As she pulled her own top off she caught Jen looking at her chest. Unlike Jen’s cute, slightly puffy A-sized cupcakes that matched her slender frame magnificently, Amy had D cups with extra-large areolas, though her nipples weren’t half as prominent as Jen’s. Amy thought: men may want my tits, but most women secretly want hers.
“Oh God, you had me right inside your fantasy scenario! I imagined it was me on a piece of gym equipment and your muscle man was doing me from behind. So hot!”
“What’s your favorite fantasy?”
“I can’t tell you that, you’ll get mad at me.”
“No I won’t. Tell me.”
“It’s Elliot.”
“You fantasize about my husband?” Amy said disbelievingly.
“I’m sorry. It’s not like I do it all the time, it’s just that he’s so tall and handsome and I sometimes imagine him sneaking into the shower with me and kissing the nape of my neck before he slides it into me from behind.” She saw Amy’s expression and quickly added, “You know I’d never do anything; I mean it’s only a fantasy.”
“It’s okay, you can have him,” Amy said before she could stop herself.
“Ah, that’s why you made the comment about your sex life. Are you two having problems in the bedroom?”
“Yeah, big time. It’s not like he’s having…you know…that kind of problem. It’s that he doesn’t want to do it much anymore. Full of excuses, if you know what I mean. I started to think it was me, like I gained weight or something. But now I realize it’s him. That’s why my face must have lit up like a neon sign when you talked about your fantasy. I can’t help but wonder if he’s having an affair.”
“Not with me he ain’t,” Jen said with a laugh. “It’s a good thing you don’t blame yourself. I mean, you’re hot looking with those marvelous tits of yours. I bet if Brad was here and saw them he’d be the one fantasizing, if he isn’t already.”
“Has he said something…about me?”
Jen smiled, “Not in so many words, but I saw his reaction when you two first met.” She chuckled again and continued, “What a world! Here we are, fantasizing about each other’s spouse.”
“I thought you said fantasy was a good thing?”
“When I’m getting myself off, that is. Shit, I want to do it now, especially with that gym story of yours in my head.” Jen didn’t wait for an answer as her fingers went straight to her pussy. Amy stared at her, mesmerized by her smooth, hairless pubis, her amazingly erect and prominent clitoris, her stiff and equally prominent nipples, and her closed-eyed smile. Except for her clit, with her narrow ass, her small tits and smooth pubic mound she could easily be mistaken for a young girl. Amy’s fingers followed her friend’s lead.
Jen’s eyes may have been closed but her mouth wasn’t. She mewled like a kitten before she softly said, “I’m cummmmmmming, I’m cummmmmmmming…”
Amy recalled hearing her last night as she watched the orgasm sweep over her. As fingertips flew, it was Amy’s turn to close her eyes. “Oh God, yes!” she shouted as she came with a shudder.
When Amy finally opened her eyes and looked over, Jen was smiling and looking back at her. “If Elliot doesn’t want to fuck you he’s crazy. It’s not on you.”
Amy whispered, “Whew, that was something, wasn’t it?”
“After that, I think I need a drink. It’s been ages since I had a Bloody Mary. Let’s go mix up a batch. Besides, with the sun getting higher and no sunscreen out here we’ll burn for sure. Not something I want to do on the first day of the vacation. Let’s go.” With that Jen was out of the lounge chair in a flash, and Amy couldn’t help but notice the rivulets of moisture on her inner thighs. She had them too.
In the large kitchen they gossiped about work as they sipped their drinks. “Oh this is good!” Amy declared. Both women were trying to be nonchalant about their nudity yet both of them couldn’t help but look at the other.
“I wasn’t kidding before, you know,” Jen said with a smile. “Brad would’ve gone nuts watching us out there. He’s always talking about watching me have sex with someone else, whether a man or woman doesn’t matter to him. I used to think it was just crazy talk but now I think I understand. It wouldn’t be a jealousy thing to him; it would be like watching hot porn where I was the star. I guess a lot of men have those fantasies.”
Amy chuckled, “I wouldn’t know if Elliot has the same fantasies. Our sex is usually so vanilla and he’s never opened up to me like I guess Brad has to you.”
“Have you ever told him what you want in bed?”
“I’d be kind of embarrassed.”
Jen laughed, “You mean you want kinky stuff, like bondage or anal?”
Amy blushed. “Maybe.”
“Oh God, that’s so hot! Maybe you should sleep with my husband. He wouldn’t be shy about doing anything you wanted.”
“Do you guys…you know…?”
“The answer is yes, we’ve done some kinky stuff but I’ll leave the details to your imagination.” After a few seconds Jen added, “You’ve got to tell Elliot what you want.”
“I’ll try.”
While pouring their second glasses, they heard a noise outside and saw that the pool cleaner was there and getting ready to clean the pool. To their surprise he stripped and dove into the pool before beginning the job. Jen sighed and said, “Did you see him? The kid is hung!” Amy admitted that she indeed saw the young man. Not only was he superbly hung, he had the musculature of someone who worked out a lot. Jen then said, “I bet he could be a good fit to that fantasy gym instructor of yours. Oh shit I’m getting fucking horny again!”
As they stood by the window and looked out in awe, Amy asked, “Do you think he can see us inside? By God, I’m sure he saw our bikinis out there. What do you think he’s thinking?”
When the young man climbed from the pool his manhood wasn’t exactly flaccid. “I think his mind is preoccupied,” Jen answered, and they soon discovered what did it. A young Latina came through the pool gate, and upon seeing the pool boy laughed and began to disrobe. “Is that the maid?” Jen asked.
“She must be,” Amy said, her attention focused poolside as the soon naked girl fell to her knees and expertly took the young man’s cock into her mouth. “They must know somebody’s home. Don’t you think they’d be worried about being caught?”
“I don’t think they care. Oh God, look at them!”
Jen’s exclamation was because they took no time in getting it on. On the chaise lounge Amy had just been sunning on the couple were fucking furiously, the girl on her back and the pool guy slamming away between her spread thighs. Automatically both women put their hands to their pussies.
“Oh, I have to…” Jen muttered as she once more began to rub her aching clit.
Amy looked at her friend in amazement. Whether it was from being a voyeur to the hot sex happening right outside, or the hot masturbation going on beside her, she didn’t care as she too went to work on her pussy. Much like what had happened earlier, the women turned their focus to each other as their fingering intensified. Amy fell back upon the living room sofa followed by Jen, who knelt and hovered over her. Now oblivious to what was going on out by the pool, both women’s fingers rubbed themselves toward climax.
n whispered, “I think I’m cumming already” before she violently shuddered and moaned.
As she came, still leaning over Amy, Jen’s right nipple grazed against Amy’s left knee. With a moan Amy whispered back, “You’re so beautiful when you cum… oh God!” and it was her turn to convulse in ecstasy. When she came down from her climax, Amy was a bit uncomfortable with what had happened, especially with her post-orgasmic friend collapsed on the sofa beside her. “We should put some clothes on before the maid is done fucking and comes in here.”
“Did you really mean that about when I cum?” Jen asked breathlessly.
“Yes” was Amy’s equally hoarse reply.
It seemed as if the maid had a good nose. Later while she was performing her cleaning duties, she’d surreptitiously glance at Amy and Jen and smile. Amy wondered if she somehow could tell that they’d both had orgasms before she entered the villa, perhaps from seeing it on their faces or more likely smelling musk in the air.
Once the maid left the two women—not bothering with bathing suits this time—they went back and dove into the pool. In the midst of Amy’s unease was the residue of her orgasm and how Jen’s body and proximity had kicked it up several notches. They swam together before settling at the pool’s rim and essentially continuing where they’d left off.
“I wasn’t kidding before. I’d love to replay what we did in the house for Brad someday. Maybe we could set it up so he could be like a voyeur and pretend he’s spying on us. I know that’s his ultimate fantasy,” Jen said enthusiastically.